we are software designers and developers

we build bridges

between imagination and reality
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we transform ideas into world-class video games and efficient tools that bring them to life
we design business and enterprise tools the way that people actually enjoy using them
we believe in interactivity and user engagement
this way our software makes people think and act creatively
between companies and people
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we respect that every business environment has unique purposes and needs
working on video games taught us a lot about technology and user experience
we use this knowledge to address your uniqueness the best possible way
we cover your highly specific enterprise requirements using modern database solutions under maximum security
between theory and visualisation
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we establish communication bridges that allow machines to support humans' decisions
considering the complexity of the domain in the user's perception, we especially care about the quality of interaction
our solutions transform your complex data into comprehensive modern visuals such as graphs, clouds and heat maps
while creating business and industrial applications, we never forget about a spark of joy for the future users