The Team

Bartosz Bień

Co-founder, Lead Developer, BD Manager

Bartosz Bień

I build bridges between reality and imagination:

design and creation of video games and video game production tools

  • Experience managing a technological team for almost 10 years (around 30 projects)
  • Co-created multiple video games for demanding hardware platforms
  • Implemented game-like interaction and awarding systems in non-game applications to make them enjoyable

I build bridges between theory and visualization:

design and creation of decision support systems

  • Created an innovative tool for interconnecting various techniques of artificial intelligence
  • Created multiple expert systems that were used for proving PhD theses, and then implemented in the industry

I build bridges between companies and people:

design and creation of scientific, industrial and business software

  • Created multiple software packages in the field of civionics, including bridge management systems and real-time measurement / data processing software
  • Created and developed 7 large applications for business / state customers
  • Created and sold first own C++ application back in 1996; after some upgrades it still serves its commercial purpose for the client

Projects with value up to $14M

ranging from complex industrial, business and scientific applications using highly customized MFC and proprietary user interaction systems, through AAA video games and creation tools, up to WinRT applications created for the launch event of Microsoft Windows 8

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Marek Znamirowski

Co-founder, Software Architect, Lead Programmer

Marek Znamirowski


18 years of C++ programming experience

  • Took part in more than 50 commercial projects, delivering video games and applications for business, science and industry
  • Developed software targeting various platforms from desktop and client-server through handheld game consoles to mobile and embedded devices
  • Abile to make the best use of available hardware resources due to the power of C++


Lead programmer role in more than 30 game and software development projects

  • Released over 15 casual game titles for European, American and Asian markets
  • Delivered desktop and client-server applications for business and industry


Designed and supervised entire game production process

  • Designed and deveoped tools and libraries for Nintendo 3DS and PC game production process
  • Cooperated with technical and non-technical team members to optimize the production process

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We work together with a dedicated team of software architects, programmers, project managers, graphic artists, user experience designers, sound composers and quality assurance engineers.